Friday, December 22, 2006

Hi all:

Since I still need to run XP for my guitar software, I found that I really missed having the Vista sidebar. So I went looking, using, not that other search engine, and found a great post detailing how to run the sidebar on XP!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

So I fired up my MSCRM demo virtual image the other day to see the image shown to the right. Track this issue, and hopefully its resolution, here: Suspect DB

Monday, December 04, 2006

The other day as I left for work my daughter, Alex, gave me a little Hello Kitty statue to put on my desk and "remind me of home" as she said. So I promised her I would, and that I would take a picture and send it to her, which she got a big kick out of! Kids are so great. :)
Hi all:

Ok I've noticed some strange behavior with Vista Ultimate RTM when I start the TV window, I also get this behavior when I get a security alert from Vista. See the video here:
