Saturday, March 26, 2011

A new challenge!

No, not CRM 2011, I decided to take on a physical challenge! After years of doing the same routines for weights and cardio, I wanted to make some major changes. So I cancelled my membership at my Gym, bought a Hoist V-Core home gym, and embarked on the P90X journey.
I am now at Day 20, going into recovery week, and after that I start with doubles! So far I have found the program to be very well designed and some of the workouts, like YogaX, are things I have never done and are kicking my butt. Here are some pictures of my new setup

and yes that is Windows 7 Media Center being used to play the videos. I am also updating my progress on Twitter, follow me at @johnstraumann. Who knows there might even be a CRM post in there sometime!